After pondering and researching what paint, primer, and tecniques to use, i decided that
i would leave the paint that was still on and spot prime the bare aluminum areas (which was alot lol) with Zinc Chromate
Primer by Tempo. I used 2 spray cans of it which is really for the lower unit of outboards. It was just enough
because a light dust coat is all that is required. Primer half way on:

Primer completed... Aint She Purty!?!:

This is the first coat of Rustoleum for my trailer:

Now for the good part! I decided to go with the same pattern as the original paint
on the Lonestar... but changed the colors. Instead of green for the bottom i decided on Saphire Blue. I'm using Interlux
Brightside Topcoat and because i don't have a sprayer and thought it would be too much of a hassle, i decided to roll and
brush the paint on. I got my Grandfather to help me on a technique called the "Roll and Tip" method. I
went along with a 4 in foam roller and applied the paint vertically and he "tipped" it off behind me with a brush horizontally.
I experimented with a foam brush also (instead of the regular brush). It worked pretty good and helped smooth the paint
out more. There are alot of scraches and dings in this old boat so it's not perfactly smooth but I think it looks
pretty good. First coat of blue:

After the second coat of blue and the tape removed...

First coat of white...

Last Coat!...

Before I started all of this, I thought ahead and traced the old decals
that were on the boat. I made myself a stencil and decided to paint them back on.

The logos didn't turn out as good as i would have liked so i had to go back and touch
up around the edges of them. I did the last one different, just traced it onto the boat then masked off around
it. It came out MUCH better, wish i had done all of them this way... o well... I WANNA FISH!!!

